Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I'm setting my homepage to Blogger. Then I will have absolutely NO EXCUSE for not posting a blog about... who knows what.

Oh... I'm getting my wisdom teeth out on Wednesday... >.> Prepare for drugged blog posts! With giggles *hopefully*

Oh! And enjoy this "real life" picture of Brat Girlfriend *instead of my usual chibi style*

If you haven't seen my chibi style, visit the link here <3

Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy National Coming Out Day!

Kudos to all of you guys and girls coming out today; kudos to all of you guys and girls who are already out and are dealing with *some* of society's issues with the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. I've been personally dealing with it since I was about 13 years old, and I can tell you, it's not an easy thing. In the moment of "National Coming Out Day," I've decided to come out... again.

Everyone... I am a genderqueer lesbian with some heterosexual tendencies. I like mostly girls with a few boys thrown in. Brat Girlfriend is the most AMAZING girl in the world and I wouldn't have her any other way.

Is that enough? =)

Friday, October 8, 2010

I got a tablet!~

I got myself a tablet ((okay, so I didn't buy it, a friend is letting me borrow hers to see how I like it)), so now, instead of my idea of just taking pictures of my sketchbook to enhance the antics of Brat Girlfriend, I should be able to just draw the pictures right there in PhotoShop and post them... hopefully I'll get the hang of it soon so I can post something for you guys soon. =)

First picture from tablet:

Other news... I'm a bit sick, but what's new. I'm allergic to everything, ha. I got my diploma; I'm officially able to apply for the college of my choice... now to decide on my major! Nothing more to report... Brat Girlfriend has been planning out her vacation for November, so I'm going to be without her for a bit... it's sad, but sometimes we do need a break. She'll be back before I know it.

That's all I really had to say today; hopefully should have some Brat Girlfriend sketches up soon!